The NexusAG Mission
NexusAG is a leading South African provider of value-adding customised crop solutions that ensure profitable farming and healthy produce while caring for the environment. NexusAG achieves its mission by granting farmers access to cutting-edge agricultural products, services and know-how through an experienced and knowledgeable team of specialists.
Why NexusAG ?
We are driven by customised crop management solutions. We remain impartial and combine the best products and services suited for unique environmental, financial and resource variables. We align these solutions with individual preferences which can range from a chemical to a completely organic approach.
These solutions assist producers during all production stages of the crop from pre-plant to post-harvest. In addition to efficiencies achieved, outcomes of our philosophy promote sustainable plant and soil health. We have extensive knowledge and experience in various crops including cereals, citrus, wine and table grapes, stone and pome fruit, vegetables, oil seeds, and exotic crops like blueberries and nuts. Our independent crop-specific advisors are conveniently located where these crops are produced.
Strategic Partners
In pursuit of sustainable agricultural excellence, NexusAG sources its products and services from reliable and responsible local and international strategic suppliers, giving producers access to the latest agricultural products aimed at sustainable crop production.
Our suppliers comply with the highest global standards as well as global legislation to have a positive environmental impact.