Customised Crop Solutions
NexusAG designs customised crop solutions through a scientific approach to support grower operations, from the planning and establishment phases to full production and thereafter.
Initial strategies include technical advice, products and services to ensure soil health as the primary objective for healthy crops.
The next phase involves targeted actions and continued support to ensure optimum healthy and productive crops aligned with objectives jointly set.
NexSOLUTIONS, NexSERVE and NexTECH form the three strategic focus areas to support the company vision.
NexSOLUTIONS is the main strategic focus of NexusAG and entails developing customised and integrated crop management solutions, which combine optimal nutrition and effective crop protection. Customised crop solutions are designed to deliver a comprehensive plant and soil health strategy that takes the unique variables of an agri-business into account. Examples of these variables include climate, resources like water and soil, key competencies and skills, equipment and business strategy. The outcomes manifest in integrated crop protection and nutrition solutions that promote optimum yields as well as plant and soil health.
NexPROTECT provides crop protection that promotes effective weed control and manages pests and prevalent diseases. The strategy involves comprehensive solutions with specialist support and technical advice on withholding periods that promote good agricultural practices in line with national and international standards.
NexPROTECT also promotes the responsible use of chemicals to ensure adherence to label and legal requirements thereby ensuring product stewardship. Products include fungicides, herbicides, insecticides and growth regulators.
NexNUTRI promotes healthy crops ensuring optimum soil health and plant nutrition to drive long-term agricultural and environmental sustainability.
NexNUTRI offers a range of organic and inorganic water-soluble and pelletised fertilizer options as well as soil adjustment products and foliar feeds. The range of products includes basic, elemental “straights” or complex customised “blends” – specific combinations created to address specific agricultural needs.
NexBIO specialises in bio-products which have a very low impact on beneficial organisms and leave no residues on crops.
NexBIO focuses on bio-products such as bio-stimulants, beneficial insects, bio-pesticides, bio-fungicides, attract-and-kill methods and mating disruption technologies. NexusAG has various eco-friendly applications, hence the growing popularity of NexBIO products.
NexSERVE offers a wide variety of value-adding services aimed at optimising farm sustainability, environmental responsibility and crop health. These services include high-tech soil fumigation, detailed soil analysis throughout the plant growth cycles, and recommendations based on the interpretation of these results. NexSERVE also provides training and development of human resources, calibration of spray equipment as well as water management solutions.
NexFUME comprises of comprehensive fumigation solutions, products and the precision application thereof.
The NexFUME division undertakes strip and drip fumigation using custom-built specialised equipment that employs GPS navigation to ensure precision application and drip fumigation which can be applied through the irrigation system.
Registered pest control officers ensure proper and safe application of the full range of fumigation and soil disinfectant products and will test if the gas has left the soil, in preparation of the next phase of crop establishment.
NexANALYSE offers a comprehensive analysis service that includes soil, plant and water analyses. The emerging data is then used to establish an effective crop production plan that promotes soil and plant health.
Data can vary not only from one block to the next, but within the specific target area as well, which makes thorough investigation essential to farm strategy.
NexEDUCATE specialises in training and developing human resources. These initiatives include on-site and crop-specific training offered to farm management and staff.
NexEDUCATE also ensures NexusAG remains at the forefront of industry trends by training and developing its technical team and crop advisors. Part of this process includes comprehensive pre- and post-harvest crop evaluation and the development of follow-up training based on these outcomes.
NexH2O is engaged in a key aspect of every farm – the optimisation of water quality and quantity. It contributes to overall water management through the application of effective irrigation planning and scheduling as well as offering the latest technology used for the improvement of water quality.
Better water quality reduces long-term maintenance costs by extending the life of irrigation systems and reduces downtime due to blockages and service breakdowns. It promotes soil decompaction, root health and absorption capacity, and also reverses the process of soil salination.
The novel operations of NexTECH are aligned with applicable global precision agriculture principles. It employs technology that combines farm management solutions and precision agriculture to optimise the agricultural enterprise for operational success, resulting in lower input costs and improving profitability through higher and optimum yields. Assembled farm management data solutions also help to compile a broad data history of farm practices, which can be used for trend analysis and essential medium to long-term planning.
NexPRECISION employs specialist contractors to create soil and orchard maps using drone technology in combination with satellite NDVI images as required.
These maps are divided into management zones by our team for, among others, irrigation planning, fertiliser application and the planning of crop protection strategies.
NexPRECISION outputs serve as core inputs for the value-adding services offered by NexDATA.
NexDATA involves the gathering of data using a network of sensors, traps, data from weather stations, drone and NDVI images and inputs from scouts.
Data is gathered in a farm management software solution and analysed and interpreted for customised spray and nutrition programmes. The latter ensures optimised input cost and maximises return on investment.
It also contributes to an archived history that over time becomes available for trend analysis and planning for the future.
NexDIGI provides a digital platform that facilitates business-to-business trade.
This platform includes many advantages, from the optimisation of transactions and accountability to the traceability of residue levels.